Sunday, 6 April 2008

The Whitest Boy Alive - Golden Cage

Racial undertones aside, Erlend Øye of Kings Of Convenience fame has stripped everything back, added a funky bassline, simplified as far as possible, and come up with a delightful four minutes worth of brisk intimacy. The beat on 'Golden Cage' has a laidback Seventies groove to it – it's like The Boy Least Likely To discovering disco and abandoning the Belle and Sebastian reverie. The track gets better with every listen, possessing a warmth unusual to that feted genre of 'stuff made for the chill-out room'. But for all the live and un-multitracked recording of the lead track is worth, the remix on the flipside by some dude called Frek Falke sounds even better than its bare bones forefather – it fills up the extra four minutes with some garish synth, ricocheting vocals and more than a hint of vocoder. Perhaps organic isn't the way forward after all?

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